SPECIAL NOTICE: Due to COVID-19, we will be meeting remotely until further notice. Please see our upcoming meeting dates and materials below. For information on receiving our zoom account link and conference call number to join us, please email us at: rondoutalliance@gmail.com.
- November 17: Agenda
- October 21: RCWA Summit ” The State of the Rondout Creek: What’s good, what’s bad, what’s next”
- September 15: Agenda
- August 18: Agenda
- July 21: Agenda/Notes
- June 16: Agenda
- May 19: Agenda
- April 21: Agenda
- October 21: Agenda
- September 16: Notes
- August 19: No Meeting
- July 15: Agenda
- June 17: Agenda Notes
- May 20: Agenda Notes
- April 15: Agenda Notes
- March 18: Cancelled
- February 19: Agenda Notes
- January 29: Agenda / Notes A presentation was made by Emily Vail of the Hudson River Watershed Alliance VIEW the presentation.
- November 20: 2019 Accomplishments
- October 16: Our October meeting will take place at the Marbletown Community Center with a water quality presentation by Riverkeeper. VIEW the presentation.
- September 18: Agenda / Notes
- August 21: Agenda / Notes
- July 18: Agenda / Notes
- June 19: Agenda / Notes
- May 15: Agenda / Notes
- April 17: Agenda No meeting due to break
- March 20: Agenda / Notes
- February 20: Agenda No meeting due to weather
- January 16: Agenda / Notes